Original episode spoilers
From Gist TV Picks:
Once and Again: "Busted" (Season premiere)
Once and Again, entering its third season and moving around the schedule
again, pops up on Fridays. When we saw Rick and Lily at the end of the second
season, they had overcome innumerable obstacles and gotten married. In
tonight's season premiere, they find that blending two families,
psychologically and physically, is tougher than they thought. The volatile
situation is made even more tense when Eli (Shane West) gets in hot water
with the law and turns to Grace (Julia Whelan) for help. ? Cheryl Everette
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From Buffalo News:
Family issues, big and small, spice 'Once and Again' opener
Will Rick Sammler (Billy Campbell) reach for a compromise on "Once
and Again"?
Now comes the hard part for Lily Manning (Sela Ward) and Rick Sammler
(Billy Campbell). After tying the knot in last season's "Once and
Again" finale and uniting their two families, there is little time
for romance. They have to now deal with the smaller and bigger
issues connected to marrying again and bringing their families
If tonight's effective and affecting third-season opener (10 p.m.,
Channel 7) is any indication, this isn't going to be anything close
to "The Brady Bunch."
Lily and Rick are going to have to behave as much like referees as
parents and stepparents.
Essentially, every issue they face deals with power - loss of it,
fear of not having it, joy of winning or earning some of it every
once in a while.
The little issue tonight concerns the territorial dispute between
Lily's younger, fifth-grade daughter, Zoe (Meredith Deane), and
Rick's fragile, 10th-grade daughter, Jessie (Evan Rachel Wood). They
share a room for the few days a week that Jessie is legally required
to live with her father. And things between the two daughters aren't
going well.
Sleeping arrangements and poster placements lead to numerous battles
that land uncomfortably in the lap of their parents when they would
rather be in each other's arms.
But they soon are confronted with a bigger problem, which has been
revealed in ABC's promos. Eli (Shane West), Rick's lost but
inherently good 18-year-old son, has been arrested on drug charges
after his friend's marijuana is found in his car.
Eli's mother and Rick's ex-wife, Karen (Susanna Thompson), who is
shaken by Rick's remarriage, wants her son to face the music. Her
sentence: Life without music, his one true love.
Will Rick agree or will he listen to reason in the name of Lily and
reach for a compromise?
It would be unfair to tell you the outcome. Besides, that really
isn't the point. To many, the power plays between Rick and his ex-
wife and Rick and his new wife will be realistic and compelling,
which is a hallmark of this critically acclaimed but little-watched
If Rick expected Lily to sit back and be powerless in her new
position as a stepparent, he was sadly mistaken. Seeing the one
parental opening available to her, Lily befriends Eli and is able to
do something his birth parents can't do: See him for who he really
Indeed, one of the strongest scenes in the hour is a face-off between
Karen and Lily in which Rick is uncomfortably and oddly silent.
The perplexed look on his face makes you feel for him. He is certain
to be in the middle of many more arguments this season. And you have
to empathize with the ladies as well. Lily has to feel a little
powerless, Karen has to feel like she is losing a little control.
Sure, the children don't have it easy. But the territorial dispute
among the four parents (Lily's ex, Jake, played by Jeffrey Nordling,
will have his own issues eventually) will likely be a big focus of
the series this season.
As well-written and as beautifully performed as this series is, the
family drama will probably be a tough sell on Friday nights, when
viewers typically head for the video store.
It got the time slot because ABC Entertainment won a power struggle
with ABC News. The coveted 10 p.m. Friday slot has been the domain of
the news magazine, "20/20," for years. "20/20's" ratings have been
strong, though its demographics could have been better.
The loser in the power struggle is Barbara Walters, who didn't
appreciate being moved to 10 p.m. Wednesday. Like Karen, she doesn't
like losing and is biding her time to reclaim control.
If "Once and Again" doesn't establish its ratings power within a
month or so, one can see Walters getting her old home back before the
new year.
Rating: 31/2 stars out of 4
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From Steve Johnson at the Chicago Tribune:
This season the most interesting aspects of the last weeknight are in
the returning series joining the schedule.
Most prominently, ABC's shimmering family drama "Once and Again"
moves into the 9 p.m. slot, knocking "20/20" out of its longtime
home. With no real competition for its mostly female target audience,
this could be the shot in the arm the Ed Zwick-Marshall Herskovitz
series needs.
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From Tom Shales at the Washington Post:
'Once and Again'
Where to find the ickiest wimps in all of television land? Look no
further than "Once and Again," the pseudo-sensitive domestic drama
returning to ABC for an unwarranted second season tonight (Channel 7
at 10).
The show, about two divorced people who marry, was dying in the
ratings until the producers started to concentrate on the innumerable
adolescent offspring who crowd the screen. Tonight, for instance, 18-
year-old Eli (Shane West) is arrested for possession of marijuana
after he and his sisters stupidly stand by while a traffic cop
performs a thoroughly illegal search of their car.
What follows is a surfeit of soul-searching and lots of
busy "business" inflicted by the director to invest conversations
with action; thus hardly anyone ever sits or stands still while they
talk. They're always eating or pouring orange juice from a carton or
doing anything to keep moving.
The male lead, Billy Campbell, is an utterly buttery bore, but the
show does have one selling point in the assertive Sela Ward as his
new wife. These folks' problems, though, and the way they go about
dealing with them, have nothing to do with real life as it is lived
in America -- or perhaps anywhere on this planet, with the possible
exception of trendy L.A. suburbs inhabited by overpaid producers of
truly terrible television shows. Like this one.
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From Rob Owen at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
'Once & Again'
(10 tonight, ABC)
The honeymoon is definitely over.
Lily (Sela Ward) and Rick (Billy Campbell) have merged their two
families under one roof, but domestic bliss eludes them in the angsty
show's third season premiere. When Zoe (Meredith Deane) and Jessie
(Evan Rachel Wood) aren't arguing over sharing a room, Eli (Shane
West) is getting busted by the cops for pot possession.
The squabbles hit a fever pitch when Rick's ex-wife Karen (Susanna
Thompson) and Lily fight over whether Eli should get a job that's
respectable (Karen's view) or reflects his passion (Lily's view).
Written by series creators Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick, it's
not the finest hour of "Once & Again," but it's an astonishingly
believable depiction of the problems inherent in blended families.
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From LA Times:
(Photo from the wedding at the web-site)
Friday, September 28, 2001
Trying to Settle Into Remarried Life
By SCOTT SANDELL, Times Staff Writer
"Once & Again" picks up with Lily and Rick trying to bring theirfamilies together. ABC
If breaking up is hard to do, hooking up after divorce is even
tougher. And fusing two families together—well, you might not even
want to go there. But "Once and Again," entering its third season on
ABC tonight, unflinchingly does just that.
It's the story of a lovely lady, Lily (Emmy-nominated Sela
Ward), and a man named Rick (Billy Campbell), each with a pair of
kids. But from the start, it was clear that this was no "Brady
Bunch," especially after infidelity threw the relationship into a
tailspin midway through the first season. Nor are the kids without
some serious problems, such as Rick's daughter, Jessie (Evan Rachel
Wood), whose eating disorder was confronted in the second season.
Now Lily and Rick are newlyweds. And tonight it's clear that the
honeymoon, if there really ever was one, is over. The younger
children, Jessie and Zoe (Meredith Deane), are at war, while the
eldest, Rick's 18-year-old son, Eli (Shane West), is not only out of
school and work, but also in trouble with the law. Things get even
more complicated between the couple and Rick's ex after Lily helps
Eli land a job with a rock band.
The strength of this show is its insight into the complex web of
ties that bind lovers, ex-spouses, siblings, parents and children,
and so on. Whereas many programs gloss over the details of family
relationships, "Once and Again" revels in them, often through
subtleties such as a knowing glance or a sly twist of everyday
speech. You can see the crush that Lily's older daughter, Grace
(Julia Whelan), has on Eli just by the way her face lights up
whenever he's in the room .
At the same time, this show is not everyone's cup of tea. With
its heavy emphasis on romantic entanglements and moments of crisis,
it can't help but feel at times like a soap opera. Nevertheless, it
has dimensions that reflect the lives of many of its viewers. In that
sense, it's fitting that "Once and Again" has moved to the time slot
that was long occupied by another program about contemporary life,
the newsmagazine "20/20 ."
"Once and Again" premieres tonight at 10 on ABC. The network has
rated it TV-PG (may be unsuitable for young children).
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From David Bianculli at the New York Daily News:
10:00 (ABC) "Once and Again." The first two seasons had Rick and Lily
meeting, loving, fighting and getting married. Now comes the hard
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From Robert Bianco at USA Today:
• One of TV's most beautifully done dramas, ABC's Once and Again
(tonight, 10 ET/PT), opens its new season on a new night — but with
the same, incredibly high standards of writing and acting.
For its third season, Once is adopting a slightly lighter tone, which
is most noticeable in the premiere in the byplay between the newly
married Rick (the under appreciated Billy Campbell) and Lily (Sela
Ward, who seems to grow more beautiful each season). They argue, but
the arguments no longer touch the core of their relationship.
They also seem to have a more relaxed perspective on their problems.
Lily loses her job (naturally — she worked at a dot-com com-pany),
but instead of falling apart, she goes home and listens to music with
the also unemployed Eli (Shane West).
Remember, however, that what seems "light" on Once would be intense
on any other series. The changes haven't affected the show's honesty
or its commitment to exploring the emotional intricacies of everyday
life — as witnessed by tonight's central story, built around Karen's
(Susanna Thompson) reaction to Eli's struggles. This is a fabulous
series, and Friday is lucky to have it.
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From Mike Duffy at the Detroit Free Press:
"Once and Again"" (10 p.m., WXYZ-TV, Channel 7, ABC). Season
premiere. Home and not alone. Now that they're married, Lily and Rick
(Sela Ward, Billy Campbell) try to cope with the realities of
bringing their children together in blended family bliss under one
roof. But the gulf between Rick and slacker son Eli (Shane West) only
widens. Television's smartest and most emotionally astute family
drama moves to Friday nights.
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From Wanda at E! Online:
From julesluvsmark: Anything new about Grace and her unrequited feelings for
For now, looks like they stay unrequited. But we see some touching (not that
kind of touching, you dirty birdies) moments between Eli and Lily in the
first episode, when she takes his side in a fight with Karen.
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From TV Gal:
Sela Ward (who looks like she spent the summer working out, she's never
looked so buff) and the rest of the merged families are back on a new night
in the terrific (5 VCRs) season premiere of "Once and Again" (Friday, ABC, 10
p.m.) Eli gets arrested, Lili loses her job, and Zoey and Jesse are ready to
kill each other. On top of that, Grace is obviously still starry-eyed over
her step-brother (the Brady Bunch, this isn't.) This season look for Jake and
Judy to become business partners, Steven Weber to returning as Judy's once
married now divorcing ex-boyfriend, Will Gluck to make one final appearance
(Mark Valley's heading over to "Pasadena"), and Eric Stolz to guest star as
Grace's teacher (he'll appear in the second episode).
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From Robert Bianco:
nyc, nyc : Any storyline hints you can give us for Once & Again. How about
Rick & Lily relationship, have you rec'd any hints as to future stories for
them, outside the merging of the kids.
Robert Bianco: I can't really give you any story hints for Rick and Lily. But
I can tell you that the first episode, which airs this Friday, is easily one
of the weekend's top hours. To judge from the premiere, their relationship
will have its problems, as any relationship does, but it's much more solid
than it was last year. They're in love and committed to each other, and that
comes through loud and clear in the opener.
Miami, FL : Can we look forward to a 4-Star review of the season premiere of
"Once and Again"? I know the quality dropped off a bit in the second season,
what do you think about this season?
Robert Bianco: There are 7 new series debuting this weekend - so I'm not
quite sure yet how we'll handle the return of "Once and Again." As I said,
though, it's a very strong beginning and gives promise of a good season to
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From Eric Deggans at The St. Petersburg Times:
Once and Again, 10 p.m. Friday, WFTS-Ch. 28
Impossibly attractive, just-married former divorcees Rick Sammler (Billy
Campbell) and Lily Manning (Sela Ward) bring their four children together in
a home hardly as harmonious as the Brady Bunch. Lily and Rick's ex-wife,
Karen, clash as Rick and Karen's son Eli is busted for carrying a friend's
marijuana, while Lily becomes his defender and friend.
It's a well-crafted example of the friction inherent in bringing two
disparate families together. This critic predicts more than a few families
will see themselves in Friday's drama.
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From Soap Opera Weekly:
Caught with pot in his possession, Eli gets busted. Eli has been living with
the newlywed Sammlers, and the incident brings the
budding-unemployed-musician and his stepmother Lily even closer. Shane West
said Eli is a problem child and he may be moving back in with his mom. Karen
thinks Eli is not taking control of his life and heading down the wrong path,
whereas Lily doesn't think he is. Lily tries to help Eli secure employment,
because Rick & Karen have been pressuring him to find a job. Lily suggest he
try the local recording studio-he is offered a gig there.
However conflict arises when Karen decrees that there will we no music in
Eli's life for a while because of his arrest. Eli says the pot wasn't his but
will not say that he never smoked pot...The connection between drugs and the
music world is to close for Karen and she wants Eli far away from temptations
door. Karen & Lily clash because Lily is the one who got Eli the job. Poor
Rick is caught between the two women. Shane West said "There is a great scene
with Karen/Lily & Rick in which they discuss who the true parent is in this
situation" The third season bow of O&A artfully plunges us into the domestic
turmoil of newlyweds L & R , the kids & extended families. As Lily, Sela
Ward, looking more beautiful than ever, brings a new warmth, maturity and
serenest to her bonding scenes with Shane West (Eli) Billy Campbell remains a
marvel as gentle giant Rick, but excellent writing and a fine performance
make the character so much more complicated than that. Susanna (Karen)
continues to shine as she strikes just the right balance of her uptight
nature and vulnerability vs. her desire to be a good parent.
Lily, Rick & Karen's confrontation outside the Sammler house is absolutely
As always, humor is seamlessly injected into the show. There is a running gag
as R&L vainly try to enjoy a little lovemaking, only to be interrupted by a
new problem involving squabbling Zoe & Jessie. As Jake, makes his brief
appearance count when he labels Zoe & Jessie the twisted sisters.
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From Wanda at E! Online:
From becky141: What's coming up on Once and Again?
Catastrophe, as the families unite. One of the kids actually gets arrested in
the pilot episode. (Guesses?) Karen is furious, accuses Lily of being a bad
influence and wants to remove her child from the house.
From Eli: Is it Eli?
Yes. Taking the girls to school, Eli gets in a fender bender, and the police
end up searching his car, coming up with a bag of pot. It's actually his
friend's, but that doesn't stop all parental units from going berserk. And
speaking of beserkity (yes, I'm making up words), Grace's crush on Eli is far
from over.
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From TV Guide:
Close Up: Once and Again
Return: When we last left Rick (Billy Campbell) and Lily (Sela Ward), they
were finally exchanging wedding vows and preparing for a future together with
their children. In tonight's season opener, their newly merged broods find
that living under one roof can be more than a little stressful. For
starters, a somewhat directionless Eli (Shane West) finds himself in hot
water after he's arrested for marijuana possession -- a situation that leaves
Karen (Susanna Thompson) fretting over Rick's parenting skills. Meanwhile,
Lily copes with the news that PagesAlive has folded and that she'll need to
look for another job. Christie: Jennifer Crystal Foley. -- Vickie Reichardt
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From TV Guide.com:
The insightful third-season opener finds newlyweds Rick (Billy Campbell) and
Lily (Sela Ward) coping with the angst of his beleaguered 18-year-old son Eli
(Shane West), who's busted for marijuana possession.
The pot's not his, but Eli's arrest nonetheless raises a red flag for Rick's
ex-wife, Karen (Susanna Thompson), who determines that the teen needs
"structure in [his] life." And that means employment. Thanks to a twist of
fate---and Lily's persuasiveness---Eli lands a job at a recording studio. But the prospect of a
son in the music biz doesn't sit well with Karen, whose intervention sets the
stage for telling confrontations.
Cast: Billy Campbell, Sela Ward, Shane West, Evan Rachel Wood, Meredith
Deane, Julia Whelan, Susanna Thompson, Jeffrey Nordling, Marin Hinkle,
Jennifer Crystal Foley, Kay Lenz, Adam Brody
Rating: TV-PG
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From ABC:
Episode 301
Rick And Lily Adjust To Married Life And Their New Family, When The Third
Season Of ABC's "Once And Again" Premieres -- And Moves To A New Night --
Friday, September 21 "Once and Again" returns for a third season this fall as
Edward Zwick and Marshall Herskovitz, creators of "thirtysomething" and "My
So Called Life," continue to bring their singular vision of modern life to
television with a Golden Globe-nominated drama series about two
families brought together by the second marriage of Lily Manning (Sela Ward)
and Rick Sammler (Billy Campbell), who have discovered another chance at love
and genuine commitment after divorce. Their relationship, however, has not
been without challenge; parenting, divorce, infidelity, financial hardship
and even death have pushed them to the limit, both as a couple and as individuals. Against all these
forces, Rick and Lily now have their love, their family and
their new commitment to sustain them. They must continue to confront their
own flaws and struggles, as well as those of their children, in
order for their new family to survive and to fully embrace this rare second
chance at happiness. "Once and Again" premieres FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21
(10:00-11:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.
In the season premiere episode, "Busted," Rick, Lily and their kids struggle
with their new living situation, while Eli gets in trouble with the law and
seeks Grace's help in dealing with his struggles.
"Once and Again" stars Sela Ward as Lily Manning, Billy Campbell as Rick
Sammler, Julia Whelan as Grace Manning, Shane West as Eli Sammler, Meredith
Deane as Zoe Manning, Evan Rachel Wood as Jessie
Sammlber as Samuel Blue and Ever Carradine as Tiffany Porter.
Guest starring are Jennifer Crystal Foley as Christie Parker, Adam Brody as
Coop, George Tasudis as driver, James Martinez as cop no. 1,
Pedro Shanahan as long hair no. 1, Jeff Russo as long hair no. 2, JF Pryor as
Drummer, Kay Lenz as Stephanie and Robert Vernon Eaton as cop no. 3.
"Busted" was directed by Dan Lerner and written by Marshall Herskovitz and
Edward Zwick.
"Once and Again" is executive produced and created by Marshall Herskovitz and
Edward Zwick. The one-hour drama series, which premiered on September 21,
1999, is from The Bedford Falls Company in association with Touchstone
A TV parental guideline will be posted closer to airdate.
Pictures courtesy of ABC (Click on thumbnail for bigger picture)
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From Wanda and Evan Rachel Wood:
From Shelly: Is Jesse going to have a love interest next season?
Actually, we have been talking about that a little bit. I think she is going
to go on a date with somebody. It's up in the air. We just started the next
season, episode two, so we'll see!
From bently317: Evan, any hints on storylines with your "mother" Karen and
yourself? You're terrific together!
I actually have no idea. I know there's going to be something that nobody's
allowed to talk about. I know there's going to be a terrific storyline
between Shane, Susanna and me. But it's a big secret. Everyone's all
hush-hush about it.
From shully: Hey, Evan and Wanda! Evan, you are amazing on Once and Again,
and your singing voice blew me away. Is there any chance we'll get to hear it
again? Maybe with Eli's band?
They've been talking about it. I think we're going to shoot a scene in which
both Jesse and Grace audition for the same part. So, that should be
From Wanda: Sounds a little tense.
Yes. And there's a conflict with her and Zoe sharing a room. I don't think
there will be big scream-fights, but there will be bickering. Grace has never
had a sister her age, so now she has someone to compete with.
From weloveusinc: What was it like acting with Ed Zwick? I thought he was
great as the therapist. Do you know if we'll see him again?
It was funny, because it was his first acting job so he was really nervous.
He was a lot of fun. I know Jesse is still going to have some problems with
her eating, but I'm not sure if we'll see him again.
From 1bently317: Is the secret storyline a source of conflict, joy,
I'm not sure. They won't even tell me! It's a big secret.
From meghanstar: Maybe you can tell us, Wanda, what's up with Grace and Eli?
Please tell me the writers are finding a way to get them together!
I hear: Slooow flirtation and, most likely, an unrequited love for
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From Luthien87 at the ABC Board:
Pages alive is gone. Something else is gone too, but I don't think I should
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Busted" (ep. #3.1) 9/2001
Jf Pryor .... Davis
Jeff Russo .... musician
Pedro Shanahan .... Pedro
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From Noahax at the ABC Board:
Marshall and Ed wrote the script...directed by Dan Lerner
I've read the script, but I don't wanna say anything about it. All I will say
is that it is excellent and the fans won't be let down
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From SET VISIT (possible Ep 301):
From Luthien87 at the ABC Board:
...filming was not in L.A [on July 25]. Sela's hair is very short. The three
teens...Shane, Julia and Evan were filming together and having a great time.
Evan is as tall as Julia. Julia looks great, and Shane's hair has grown back.
From Blu182 at the ABC Board:
Yesterday [July 26] Mari and I drove to the LA because I thought it was the
27th. Wrong. They were setting up yesterday for today's shoot. Well, I drove
us to the set again today. I wasn't sure what 2 think when Luthien posted
that they weren't in LA today, but we drove anyway. There is an LA Studio at
that location. We proceeded in and I said that I was here for Once And Again,
the man gave me a sheet of paper and directed me to the parking garage.
We parked and walked toward the people, Right away I saw Sela, Julia and Evan
in the Explorer. It's navy blue not black. Anyhoo, We kept walking looking
for a place 2 blend in. We stopped and I looked over my shoulder and Billy
was there.
Shane, Susanna, Billy, Sela, Julia and Evan are in a scene together, we
watched them rehearse several times. I walked up 2 Billy and introduced
myself, I told him that I had met him once before, he asked "where", i told
him at the set last year, He said: Nice 2 meet you again... I'll let Mari
tell you about the rest..
From Mari904 at the ABC Board:
As Jennifer stated - we just got back from L.A. Studios and what a wonderful
time we had. When we first arrived we walked over to where Billy was sitting.
They were shooting a scene of Lily taking both Gracie and Jesse in the car
right outside of a parking garage. Jenni and I went to talk to Billy while he
was reading a book...and he was such a sweetie (very down to earth). To all
you Rickateers out there -- ooh...what a hottie! I kept looking at his
gorgeous blue eyes. Wow! :)
We asked him if it would be alright to take a picture with him. With a big
smile he said "sure." Therefore, I took a picture of him and Jennifer,
placing her arm around his neck -- and Jen took one of us (same pose). Then
he had to go change his clothing where the trailers were. There was a guy
there who looked like Billy. I told Jennifer that he would be good for the
Rick's brother's role. We didn't ask Billy if the guy was his brother, but
I'm assuming it was because they looked so much alike.
We watched the one scene with Lily, Karen, Rick Eli, Julia, and Jesse about
10 -15 times!! LOL I'm sure they were very tired. Lily was driving out with
the two girls and Rick is waving goodbye. Sela drove in circles in the
parking garage with the girls. We didn't see Zoe. In this scene, Sela is
wearing an orange/brown sweater with a white t-shirt underneath (purple
design in the front), some cute jeans and sandals. She looked very pretty and
yes her hair is short, but long enough to be pulled back into a small pony
In the same scene -- Karen and Eli were walking away from Lily's car, back to
their Toyota van inside the parking garage. I will not say anything about
their lines -- the only thing I will say is that Karen was very disappointed
at Eli. Hmm...
During their lunch hour Jennifer and I went to talk to Sela. Okay guys -- you
think Sela is pretty on television? She is even prettier in person. She is
the sweetest person (all smiles) and happy to take a picture with each of us
Jen and I are so HAPPY we had the opportunity to meet both Billy and Sela. :)
The next scene they filmed was when Eli and Karen were walking to her van.
Shane is very cute. He kept looking in our direction -- probably wondering
who the heck we were. lol We were going to talk to him, also -- to let him
know that we had met his parents the other day, but Jen and I decided to
leave before they finished shooting that scene.
Suzanna is also very pretty in person. It took many takes for this scene,
also. Jen and I were just standing with the make-up artists. Everyone on the
set was pretty cool.
They are still filming at the moment and are supposed to be there until late
tonight ( I think 10pm). So, yes -- they were in L.A.
I knew everyone here would be interested, therefore, we decided to share. We
had a wonderful time on the set of Once and Again. . .
From Blu182:
. . . I believe it was the first episode. They started filming a couple of
days ago in the city of San Pedro. I think one of the locations was at a HS
and the others were close to a Plaza. i.e. hotels and restaurants. . .
[Sela] truly is beautiful and Billy, well you know he's a hottie, and he is
always reading books...
[Lily, Rick, Karen, Eli, Grace & Jessie] are in the same scene, but not
exactly all in the conversation.
Rick says that he is going to go and get his car. He was wearing slacks and
a shirt.
Didn't notice if [Rick and Lily] were wearing rings.
From Luthien87:
D.B. Sweeney was there because he may be directing an episode later in the
season...he was hanging out with the director.
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From a chat with Evan Rachel Wood:
darkentry2001: can you tell us anything about Jessie in the upcoming season
or is it top secret?
Evan Rachel Wood: Well, I don't really know that much... But i've seen the
first episode and I sort of have an idea of what is going to happen. I know
that there are going to be some problems with Jessie and Zoe sharing the
room. There are going to be some fights there. And Grace and Jessie may have
some problems. Jessie might get popular and Grace won't know how to take it
-- she will be competing with her step-sister in a way. And with Jessie
entering this new world of popularity, I don't think that she will handle it
well. It kind of scares her a little. With the families combined, there will
be a lot of friction and a lot of good storylines. I think that this coming
season is going to be really good, I have a really good feeling about it.
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