Original episode spoilers
From Rita Sherrow at The Tulsa World:
There's not much thanks on Thanksgiving on "Once and Again" at 9
p.m. Friday on ABC, channel 8. Lily (Sela Ward) is trying to master
her first mammoth holiday feast without the traditional angst, while
Rick's first wife, Karen (Susanna Thompson) is spending her holiday
alone. Count this episode as your first Christmas gift from ABC.
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From Kevin McDonough at the Charleston Daily Mail:
'Once and Again' stuffs turkey with angst Thanksgiving meal more dysfunctional than delicious
NOBODY looks more gorgeous while enduring emotional earthquakes
than Sela Ward on "Once and Again" (10 p.m., ABC, TV-PG). She plays
Lily Sammler, the serene queen of divorce and dysfunction. On
tonight's episode, Lily's dreams of a "perfect" Thanksgiving meal are
dashed when the combined families seems to be following their own
agendas. Earth to Lily: They're teen-agers! Meanwhile, her husband's
ex-wife, Karen (Susanna Thompson), decides that Turkey Day is a good
time to baste in self-loathing. Bummer.
It is increasingly difficult to find empathy for these improbably
good-looking people as they turn to the camera and whine about their
unhappy lives. Even Grace (Julia Whelan), who used to be the gawky
inarticulate adolescent, is putting on airs and excelling as a
teen-age Shakespearean actress. After a four-alarm Thanksgiving
disaster, Lily still has enough poise to compose an eloquent
off-the-cuff prayer. This comes weeks after she waltzed
into a studio and became an instant hit as a radio star. Puh-lease!
Even under the best of circumstances, most mortals aren't that
articulate about their feelings. And if they were, I'd find it a tad
smug if they shared them with me - all the time! Color me repressed,
but I'd rather silently choke down my dry turkey of despair than
listen to another monologue from this crew.
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From Mike Duffy at the Detroit Free Press:
Holiday blues. It's a bittersweet Thanksgiving for frenzied Lily (Sela
Ward) and lonely Karen (Susanna Thompson), each sorting through their
unrealistic expectations for the holiday. Superlative writing,
terrific acting.
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From Tim Cuprisin at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Although you're sick of turkey, the cast is still celebrating
Thanksgiving, the first holiday for the newlyweds and their blended
family of troubled kids.
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From David Biancuili at the Dallas Ft. Worth Star Telegram:
Here's another Thanksgiving episode of a family TV series, one that
can be counted on to be both tender and intense, as well as both funny
and dramatic.
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From Robert Bianco at USA Today:
'Again' serves a quality feast
By Robert Bianco, USA TODAY
Once and Again
ABC, tonight, 10 ET/PT
(***1/2 out of four)
Something about holidays just seems to breed unattainable expectations.
For newlywed Lily Brooks Manning Sammler, it's that vision she has nursed
all her life of the perfect Thanksgiving dinner, with a happy, blended family
gathered around the table joyfully eating the meal they all helped prepare.
For fans of ABC's Once and Again, it's the perhaps-dimming hope that this
superb family drama will someday find the audience it deserves. Failing
that, it's the still-vibrant hope that ABC will be content with the audience it
Heaven knows, the show deserves a happy holiday, as tonight's
post-Thanksgiving episode once again proves. There are a host of wonderful
dramas on television of all shapes and kinds, from the soaring romanticism
of The West Wing, to the fantasy wizardry of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, to the
good-natured glow of Gilmore Girls, to the breakneck thrills of Alias and
24. But there's no show like Once and Again - a beautifully heartfelt hour that
treats domestic life and the American home as worthy of serious, dramatic
exploration as any hospital, courtroom or police station.
As usual with families, the expectations Lily (Sela Ward) has built for
Thanksgiving present are based upon carefully edited memories of
Thanksgivings past. Without much input from anyone else, she has everything
planned, from the pre-dinner preparatory "Pie Night" to the post-dinner
toasts to the cook.
Is there anyone who doesn't know that her plans will go awry? Her new
husband, Rick (Billy Campbell), is having trouble getting in the proper
grateful spirit. Her daughter Grace (Julia Whelan) is sniping at stepsister Jesse (Evan
Rachel Wood). Her sister Judy (Marin Hinkle) is too upset over a breakup with
Rick's pal Sam (Steven Weber) to be of any help. And her stepson, Eli (Shane West),
is nowhere to be found, convinced Lily's family has one too many holiday
"We're either family or we're not," an exasperated Lily finally tells Rick.
"And there's not much indication that we're much more than six strangers in
a boarding house, with a pretty stressed-out short-order cook."
Naturally, dinner collapses - and just as naturally, the family regroups,
which is what separates them from strangers in a boarding house. The joy of
Once is that both the low and the high moments ring true.
To be sure, there are moments when tonight's episode makes its point a bit
too forcefully. The subplot about Grace and Jesse's play is terribly
exaggerated. And in the end, there's at least one too many pre-dinner crises
in the household. Still, that's a small price to pay for a show that can make you laugh and
cry in the same hour, and leave you wishing all the characters well.
"Life just goes by when we're not looking," Lily says, in a moment of
despair. "It just goes by."
Let's hope we don't end up saying the same about Once and Again.
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From Gist.com:
Once and Again: "Chaos Theory"
Friday, Nov. 23
ABC, 10 to 11 p.m. ET
Ever the optimist, Lily (Sela Ward) has big plans for her first blended-family Thanksgiving dinner. It doesn't take long for those plans
to go awry, what with Grace (Julia Whelan) and Jessie (Evan Rachel Wood) at odds and on-the-job stress making Rick (Billy Campbell) crazy. Oh, and there's
also a plumbing problem that could prove disastrous.
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From TV Guide:
Chaos Theory
A tumultuous Thanksgiving finds Grace and Jessie feuding, Rick stressing out
at work and Lily coping with a plumbing problem that's a prelude to a kitchen
disaster. Mr. Dimitri: Eric Stoltz. Raoul: Benito Martinez. Alexa: Natasha
Gaty. Sam Blue: Steven Weber. Tiffany: Ever Carradine. Karen: Susanna
Thompson. Lily: Sela Ward.
Cast: Billy Campbell, Sela Ward, Shane West, Evan Rachel Wood, Meredith
Deane, Julia Whelan, Susanna Thompson, Marin Hinkle, Steven Weber, Ever
Carradine, Eric Stoltz, Benito Martinez, Natasha Gaty.
Rating: TV-PG
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From ABC:
"Chaos Theory" – Lily and Karen both suffer from unrealistic
expectations raised by the coming of Thanksgiving, on "Once and
Again," FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC
Television Network.
"Once and Again" stars Sela Ward as Lily Sammler, Billy Campbell as
Rick Sammler, Julia Whelan as Grace Manning, Shane West as Eli
Sammler, Meredith Deane as Zoe Manning, Evan Rachel Wood as Jessie
Sammler, Susanna Thompson as Karen Sammler, Jeffrey Nordling as Jake
Manning, Marin Hinkle as Judy Brooks, Steven Weber as Samuel Blue and
Ever Carradine as Tiffany Porter.
Guest starring are Eric Stoltz as Mr. Dimitri, Benito
Martinez as Raoul, Natasha Gaty as Alexa Yagoda, Ashlee Turner as
Cynthia McCormick, Granger Green as Sue, Josh Breslow as Silvius,
Lamont Johnson as the fireman, Scott Clerverdon as Ian, Jennifer
Riley as young Lily, Samantha MacLachlan as Victoria, Ben Gould as
Ted and Jerry Fitzgerald as Wink.
"Chaos Theory" was written by Liberty Godshall and directed by James
"Once and Again" is broadcast in 720 Progressive (720P), ABC's
selected HDTV format, with 5.1-channel surround sound.
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From ABC:
Pictures courtesy of ABC (Click on thumbnails for bigger picture)
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From ABC:
Nov. 23, 2001 (Fri.)
ONCE AND AGAIN - "Chaos Theory"
Lily and Karen both suffer from unrealistic expectations raised by the coming
of Thanksgiving.
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From ABC:
p.m.) - Lily's (Sela Ward) dream of the perfect blended-family
Thanksgiving goes up in smoke. Thanksgiving-themed episode.
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